A young adult novel recounting the devastation of a victim of Japanese military sexual slavery
The first young adult novel to paint a vivid and realistic depiction of the "comfort women"
The story of the young girls whose bodies and souls were trampled in their blossoming youth as they were dragged from their hometowns across foreign lands from Inner Mongolia and Shanghai, China, to Leyte Island in the Philippines Many are familiar with the history of the "comfort women," the victims of Japanese military sexual slavery, but how much do they really know? Few fully understand exactly why and how the girls came to be "comfort women," the scope of the assault they endured at the "comfort stations" set up throughout regions colonized by Japan including Korea, and how they lived out their lives after they returned Korea post-liberation. There are limits to how much of the truth can be exposed to children and teens due to the sensitive nature of the subject, which is why previously published children's and young adult novels that have attempted to address this tragedy fell short of capturing the actual extent of the damage and suffering. Simply acknowledging the tragedy as a historical fact and fully portraying the depth of reality and pain of the victims are vastly different propositions, which makes the publication of Trampled Blossoms, an honest and vivid depiction of the victims' accounts of sexual slavery under the Japanese military, all the more meaningful.
This is a work of fiction based on true historical facts, in-person interviews, and testimonies of the "comfort women." The names and details of certain real persons, places, and incidents have been changed in the novel, and all other characters, places, and events are products of the author's imagination.